When you realize you might be dealing with a bee infestation, it’s important to know when your home actually has carpenter bees in order to call pest control as early as possible. Carpenter bees are quite discreet as they do not swarm and the damage happens over time. While they look a lot like bumble bees, carpenter bees bore small holes in wood and create nests of eggs inside the wooden structures of your home. Keep reading to learn how to determine if your home has a carpenter bee infestation.
How to Know You Have a Carpenter Bee Infestation
2. Sawdust or Holes in the Wood
If you think you need pest control to deal with a carpenter bee infestation in your home, reach out to
Target Pest Control in Rochester, NY. Whether you have bees, carpenter ants, fleas, bedbugs, or other pest control needs, this exterminator can ensure that your home is recovered quickly and discreetly. Call
(585) 427-7175 to make an appointment, or visit them
to learn more about their services.