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3 Signs of Bedbugs

February 22, 2023

Bedbugs are stubborn pests that are notoriously difficult to control. Because they aren’t easily visible to the naked eye, they may go unnoticed for quite some time before you begin to suspect there’s an infestation. Fortunately, there are several signs that may tip you off to contact an exterminator. Here are three all homeowners should know.

What Are Some Signs of Bedbugs?

1. Small Dark Spots

As the infestation grows, the chances increase that you’ll discover small, dark specks on your bedding or the corners of your mattress. They may be brown or reddish in tone, and typically occur when the insects leave their droppings behind. They can also be indicative of crushed insects. Newer infestations typically appear as clusters, while more widespread formations are common when the bugs have been present for a while.

2. Harsh, Musty Odor

Take note if you detect an unusual musty aroma in your bedroom or in the direct vicinity of your mattress. This could be indicative of the pheromones that the pests emit as they make themselves at home. While it’s normally a harsh and unwelcome scent, some people may find it to be a sweeter smell. As time passes, it’s likely to grow more unpleasant as the pheromones blend with excrement and crushed bugs.

3. Small Insect Bites

While not everyone develops bites, sometimes people develop allergic reactions in response to them. These may manifest in reddened, raised, or itchy skin. Usually, these insects’ bites appear in a series of three wounds on the skin. That’s a clear sign that it’s time to contact a professional about possible bedbug treatment.


If you seek a reliable exterminator in Rochester, NY, turn to the team at Target Pest Control. They’re proud to serve clients throughout Monroe County, offering comprehensive bedbug eradication services to ensure that these unwelcome critters no longer take up residence in your home. Visit the website for more information, or call (585) 427-7175 to schedule an appointment.

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